Norah Vincent The fact that you carried an embryo to term does not make you a mother any more than it makes you an obstetrician. – Norah Vincent Carried Quotes Embryo Quotes Mother Quotes Obstetrician Quotes Term Quotes For native New Yorkers and pilgrims alike, there have been few things more heartbreaking about the protracted aftermath of Sept. 11 than the garish gap in the city’s famous profile, that blank, vacuous space on the horizon where the World Trade Center once so impressively stood. Motherhood is more than a biological imperative.
John RamptonRelationshipRespect Just because you’re married doesn’t mean that you have to spend 24/7 together and can’t have separate interests and hobbies. In a healthy relationship, you both understand – and respect – that you need time apart doing what you want to do. – John Rampton
PoliticsRahul Gandhi I am not averse to politics, but that does not mean that I am going to join politics. – Rahul Gandhi
Hannibal Buress I think it’s a tough transition. It’s easy to go from comedian to rapper, but to go from rapper to comedian is tougher. – Hannibal Buress
Bai Ling The partner that you have is supposed to make you a better person, and when you’re happy, you’re a better person. – Bai Ling
Soni Razdan To be honest, nobody was running after me with roles, so there also came a time when I did neglect the acting side and was keen on directing and pursuing that. People got this impression, ‘She’s directing, not acting,’ stuff like that. – Soni Razdan
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