O J Mayo When you’ve got guys touching the ball on the offensive end, they’re really into the defensive end. – O J Mayo Ball Quotes Defensive Quotes Guys Quotes Offensive Quotes Touching Quotes I need to work on timing and the pace of the game. I need to know when to slow it down and speed it up. Sometimes you may not study and get a little worried, but playing under a coach like J-Kidd, I felt super-prepared, just learning from him.
Mary Harris Jones I went West and took part in the strike of the machinists – the Southern Pacific Railroad, the corporation that swung California by its golden tail, that controlled its legislature, its farmers, its preachers, its workers. – Mary Harris Jones
Paul Gosar NDAA should be about providing critical funding for our troops, not debating immigration policy. – Paul Gosar
Jeffrey Gitomer If you want to be the best salesperson, first you must be the best person. – Jeffrey Gitomer
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