Oscar Isaac My dad was a huge Bob Dylan fan, so we listened to his music, Cat Stevens, Simon & Garfunkel, and all that kind of stuff. – Oscar Isaac Bob Quotes Cat Quotes Dad Quotes Dylan Quotes Fan Quotes Garfunkel Quotes Huge Quotes Listened Quotes Music Quotes Simon Quotes Stevens Quotes Stuff Quotes I started off thinking that I just needed one shot to prove myself, but then I realised that I was only going to learn about acting by doing it. My dad always played a lot of music, so I heard him playing all the time, and then I decided that I wanted to learn to play guitar, so I got an acoustic and started taking lessons. I wanted to be able to shred like Yngwie Malmsteen.
Julius Peppers Sometimes you get looked at harder than other people. I can take the criticism and I can take the heat. – Julius Peppers
Corbin Bernsen Yeah, I think if I were to go again, I’d try to go more on gut feelings and stick with it. I was on to Frederique. I found clues for everything, I found tons of stuff. – Corbin Bernsen
Jose Andres I mix mayonnaise, ketchup and brandy and a little bit of mustard. This is a heck of a good sauce for seafood. – Jose Andres
Jack Kemp There’s no limit to what free men and free women in a free market with free enterprise can accomplish when people are free to follow their dream. – Jack Kemp
John L Flannery Our collaboration in building innovative technologies will support the Make in India vision of the Indian government. – John L Flannery
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