Pat Mastelotto If Bill jumps into something that relies on a lot of cymbals, I’ll jump into something that relies on a lot of skin sounds; if he goes into metal tones, I’ll go into wood, and so on. I basically play in his holes. – Pat Mastelotto Basically Quotes Cymbals Quotes Holes Quotes Jump Quotes Jumps Quotes Lot Quotes Metal Quotes Play Quotes Relies Quotes Skin Quotes Sounds Quotes Tones Quotes Wood Quotes I think basically lables were more interested in a Richard Page record than a Mr. Mister record. My roots are more in he Beatles, Zeppelin, the whole 60’s side.
Buzz AldrinSpace As someone who flew two space capsules and twice landed in the ocean, I can attest from personal experience how much logistics work is needed to get you home. – Buzz Aldrin
Juan Felipe Herrera My mother was a great storyteller and a great historian in her own way. She only made it to third grade. She came from Mexico City at the tail end of the Mexican Revolution and that kind of turmoil and chaos and frenzy and also excitement. – Juan Felipe Herrera
Kaka Jose Mourinho was a difficult coach for me, and we had a respectful but complicated relationship. When I thought he would give me a chance, I couldn’t prove to him that I was in good shape. – Kaka
Peter Noone I used to love the Beatles and the Stones and I’d always want to hang out with them, even though they were about seven years older. – Peter Noone
Chris LowellRomantic I will always be the hopeless romantic, more often pathetic than heroic. – Chris Lowell
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