Paul Kalanithi While all doctors treat diseases, neurosurgeons’ work is the crucible of identity. Every operation on the brain is, by necessity, a manipulation of the substance of our selves. – Paul Kalanithi Brain Quotes Crucible Quotes Diseases Quotes Doctors Quotes Identity Quotes Manipulation Quotes Necessity Quotes Neurosurgeons Quotes Operation Quotes Substance Quotes Treat Quotes The good news is that I’ve already outlived two Brontes, Keats, and Stephen Crane. The bad news is that I haven’t written anything. A resident’s surgical skill is judged by their technique and speed. You can’t be sloppy, and you can’t be slow.
Bill Bradley Whenever Congress undertakes large-scale reform, there are times when disaster appears certain – only to be averted at the last minute by the good sense of its sometimes unfairly maligned members. – Bill Bradley
ChanceIbrahim BabangidaLeadership To meet the expectations of the majority of our people, and to open up new vistas of economic opportunity so that the aspirations of Nigerians can stand a fair chance of being fulfilled in a lifetime, there must be a truly committed leadership in a democratic Nigeria. – Ibrahim Babangida
Leslie Nielsen To be honest, I never, ever thought I’d ever do comedy. I was so frequently cast early on as a high-born young man with… ‘problems’ and, later, as a heavy, from black-hatted western villains to the corporate raider to bad cops. – Leslie Nielsen
FriendshipJames Lapine I am thrilled to receive the Sondheim Award from the wonderful Signature Theatre. I have already received the invaluable gift of over twenty-five years of collaboration and friendship with Steve. Now I get to have his award, too! – James Lapine
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