Paul Newman What is the difference between a truly creative artist and an interpretive artist? I have not concluded anything about that, but it’s fair to ask the question. – Paul Newman Artist Quotes Concluded Quotes Creative Quotes Difference Quotes Fair Quotes Interpretive Quotes Question Quotes The Sixties – I had to have my foot in everything then. I’m doing the same thing now but through an intermediary. You know. The food company. Maybe that’s the way to go about it. You go right straight into the inferno, and when you get older, you pull back. Every time we get into an argument about cooking or laundering shirts, she shakes her Oscar at me, and I’m dead in the water. It would be a great equalizer now after 33 years.
Mario Batali As far away as you can get from the process of mechanisms and machinery, the more likely your food’s going to taste good. And that – that is probably the largest thing I can hand to anybody is let your hands touch it. Let them make it. – Mario Batali
Denis Villeneuve When I use violence in a movie, it’s just to express the power, the impact of it. – Denis Villeneuve
Ali Bongo OndimbaEnvironmental If every country’s climate policy was driven purely by environmental science, we may have no need for international agreements. – Ali Bongo Ondimba
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