Paul Pierce I’m a competitive person. I love the game of basketball. I’m a gym rat. – Paul Pierce Basketball Quotes Competitive Quotes Game Quotes Gym Quotes Love Quotes Person Quotes Rat Quotes I’ve never been in a gang. None of my friends have been in a gang. I’ve never rolled around with big entourages. A lot of people that I’ve had around me have been my closest friends since junior high, back when we were exchanging each other’s clothes, staying at each other’s houses. That was before I had anything.
Hugh Jackman If you ask my wife, the biggest fault is my inability around the house. She says the only thing handy about me is that I’m close by. And, I have a terrible memory. I’m bad at saying no. I often double-book. There are a lot of things. – Hugh Jackman
Joe Gebbia We’ve invented a new marketplace. There was no easy way to rent a person’s bedroom over the Internet or book a vacation rental over the Internet. There was no guidebook for us to turn to as we defined this new marketplace. – Joe Gebbia
Catherine Oxenberg If it’s true, as I believe it is, that the planet is alive, then it’s probably also true that we may reach a point at which she will begin to defend herself against us. – Catherine Oxenberg
Joseph Stiglitz The extra curricular activity in which I was most engaged – debating – helped shape my interests in public policy. – Joseph Stiglitz
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