Paul Valery A man is a poet if difficulties inherent in his art provide him with ideas; he is not a poet if they deprive him of ideas. – Paul Valery Art Quotes Deprive Quotes Difficulties Quotes Ideas Quotes Inherent Quotes Poet Quotes Provide Quotes The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best. Poe is the only impeccable writer. He was never mistaken.
Britt Ekland As for the stage fright, it never goes away. When I’m waiting in the wings to go on, it’s agony every single time but I stay focused and I know that once I’m on stage it’ll be fine; I’ll be in my happy little bubble. – Britt Ekland
Gabriel Iglesias I don’t get controversial, I don’t get political and I don’t tell you what to do with your life. I just go out there and tell some stories, and people can relate. – Gabriel Iglesias
T J Perkins At the Cruiserweight Classic finale, I said… I don’t know if people had looked it up, or if they had heard it before, but it was an old Zen proverb. ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, you chop wood, carry water.’ It can be interpreted a lot of ways, but for the most part it’s about staying in the moment. – T J Perkins
Michelle Paver In a ghost story, usually you’ve got to hang on until daylight, and you’ll be alright. But if daylight’s four months away, then you have a problem. – Michelle Paver
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