Penelope Cruz I really dislike it when the media asks young actresses, normally when they’re about 23, how they feel about ageing. There are other things to worry about. – Penelope Cruz Actresses Quotes Ageing Quotes Dislike Quotes Feel Quotes Media Quotes Worry Quotes I’ve worked myself to exhaustion before. I was so young, and I thought I could do everything; it was just too much for my body and my mind. I don’t know why, but women in a hair salon share their deepest secrets.
IndependenceJohn Tyler When the happy era shall arrive for the emancipation of nations, hastened on as it will be by the example of America, shall they not resort to the Declaration of our Independence as the charter of their rights, and will not its author be hailed as the benefactor of the redeemed? – John Tyler
Diana Quick If you try to live as well as you can, then hopefully your face will reflect that. But it’s unfair that we put so much pressure on women to look good and then give them so much stick when they go under the knife to achieve this. – Diana Quick
Sara Zarr I played the clarinet, and my sister played the violin… If we’d had the discipline and the passion, maybe we could have been good. – Sara Zarr
Haile SelassieHistory Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph. – Haile Selassie
Angela Stanton-King It’s OK to be a Black Republican. It’s OK to stand by your morals and your values and your beliefs. – Angela Stanton-King
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