Penelope Tree I think of the Sixties as being every man for himself. – Penelope Tree Sixties Quotes I try to see what the priorities are and not get terribly fussed about things that don’t matter. Not be swept away by feelings and emotions, which is my tendency. If someone asks me a question, it is very difficult not to answer honestly.
Georg C Lichtenberg Doubt must be no more than vigilance, otherwise it can become dangerous. – Georg C Lichtenberg
Lydia Millet When I was 16, I went to Berlin – West Berlin, since at that time a wall still divided the city – to live for three months with a family on an exchange program. – Lydia Millet
InspirationalMarcel Wanders The ‘Dezeen’s of this world are extremely inspirational but have no realistic dimension any more. – Marcel Wanders
Sam Hinkie But making big decisions shouldn’t be easy – it shouldn’t be that you have an idea, and you get to execute it without anyone questioning it. – Sam Hinkie
Neville I wanted to do a corkscrew moonsault backwards, so I had the idea of doing it forwards like the shooting star corkscrew, and I was aware no one else did that in wrestling. If I could perfect this technique, it would be unique to me. – Neville
Martha Nussbaum The first thing you get from the humanities, when they’re well taught, is critical thinking. Philosophy in particular can play that role, not just in universities but in schools as well. – Martha Nussbaum
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