Peter DeLuise I was not very well-behaved. I remember I was a discipline problem. I was a typical American male at twenty years old, and I was causing trouble whenever I could. – Peter DeLuise American Quotes Causing Quotes Discipline Quotes Male Quotes Remember Quotes Trouble Quotes Typical Quotes Wellbehaved Quotes I was shot from the funny gun. My knowledge of Vancouver and Canada was limited to what I knew about Bob and Doug McKenzie. I thought they were funny, talking out of the sides of their mouths and saying ‘eh’ and wearing toques.
Jamie Hince Never wear a hat and sunglasses at the same time, because it looks like you’re wearing a disguise. – Jamie Hince
Oliver GoldsmithWedding I chose my wife, as she did her wedding gown, for qualities that would wear well. – Oliver Goldsmith
Bruce Forsyth If I go out one night, I must stay in the next. It’s the same with my golf. If I play one day, I don’t play the next. I try to pace myself. – Bruce Forsyth
Michelle Rodriguez I didn’t know how to box so I would have looked like a complete street fighter actually, but what we did have to do was pick up some sides and then just memorize them within two days and go there and audition. – Michelle Rodriguez
Constance Wu You’re never going to please everyone, and if you do, there’s something wrong. – Constance Wu
Guy MartinWedding I was working for Martin Finnegan. He was my best mate in racing. I went to his wedding in November 2007. No-one else from the racing world was invited apart from me and my girlfriend. The funeral was the following May. – Guy Martin
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