Peter Hitchens A world without a proper day of rest is like a landscape without hedgerows, trees, or landmarks: a howling, featureless wilderness in which we incessantly seek pleasure because we cannot find happiness. – Peter Hitchens Day Quotes Featureless Quotes Happiness Quotes Hedgerows Quotes Howling Quotes Incessantly Quotes Landmarks Quotes Landscape Quotes Pleasure Quotes Proper Quotes Rest Quotes Seek Quotes Trees Quotes Wilderness Quotes The Left have always preferred the state to the family. If you want a day free of work, you must expect others to have the same privilege.
Elizabeth Mitchell You have what is right in front of you. You survive and you have your family. That’s the whole world. – Elizabeth Mitchell
Dan Crenshaw I will attack ideas very hard. I am not shy about that one bit. So I don’t want people to think that because I had a call for civility that that means I shy away from debate and that I’m agreeable. That’s not the case. What is the case is that I will not question who you are as a person. – Dan Crenshaw
J Paul Getty The rich are not born sceptical or cynical. They are made that way by events, circumstances. – J Paul Getty
John Katzman You still remember your SAT scores. And everybody else does too. Everybody’s forgotten everything about themselves, everything else about high school. They remember their SAT scores. – John Katzman
Eve Torres It’s easy to say standup for yourself. The problem is if you don’t feel like you’re physically capable of handling the repercussions of that, especially at a young age, it’s hard to do that. – Eve Torres
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