Piyush Goyal By using LED bulbs, one can contribute, in their way, to overcome global warming. – Piyush Goyal Bulbs Quotes Contribute Quotes Global Quotes Led Quotes Overcome Quotes Warming Quotes If India moves towards 100 percent LED lighting, we will reduce almost 79 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This will also reduce the electricity bills of people. It is important to take into account the total power cost borne by consumers after taking into account what they spend on inverters and gensets.
Georgie Henley My mother treats me exactly the same as she has always done, and the same as my older sisters. She tells me off when I need it, and sometimes I do need telling to go to my room or to do my homework. – Georgie Henley
Henrique Capriles Radonski The best university is the university of life. – Henrique Capriles Radonski
Andrea BocelliNature I was an agnostic until I realized that I had to choose between God and fate. The idea that humanity and nature are the result of fate was not convincing at all. I find the presence of God everywhere. – Andrea Bocelli
Marv Albert I would never scream at my kids, never raise my voice. But as they often tell me, they were so well behaved that screaming was not necessary. – Marv Albert
Neil Macdonald I do not hear any plan for sheltering Canadians from the next global financial crisis, which is coming for all of us as surely as arthritis is stalking the boomers. – Neil Macdonald
Jack Irons It was about this time that I began experiencing the beginnings of my battles with an anxiety disorder. We were touring a lot and there were some developing personal problems within the band. – Jack Irons
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