Porter Stansberry You can survive your income falling if it’s not dramatic. Your income can decrease for a long time before you start living beyond your means. – Porter Stansberry Decrease Quotes Dramatic Quotes Falling Quotes Income Quotes Living Quotes Start Quotes Survive Quotes Time Quotes I think what’s happened to America, in a cultural sense, is we stopped getting richer as a country in the early 1970s, but we haven’t adjusted our consumption patterns in any way, shape or form to meet the realities of the new lower income. When you’re dealing with a bankrupt sovereign – like the U.S. government – you’re dealing with a very powerful wounded bear. You have to be very careful because you can’t know what the beast is going to do.
FreedomRobert KennedyStrength Communism everywhere has paid the price of rigidity and dogmatism. Freedom has the strength of compassion and flexibility. It has, above all, the strength of intellectual honesty. – Robert Kennedy
Claire McCaskill Only in Washington would the Republican operatives get the entire press corps ginned up over the notion that I’m going to be home campaigning instead of going to a bunch of worthless parties at a convention that’s only being held to do something we all know is going to happen anyway. – Claire McCaskill
Jenna Bush My sister, she’s amazing. She sort of inspired me to take this journey to Latin America. – Jenna Bush
Anjelah Johnson It’s always nerve-wracking when people say they look up to you or that you’re a good role model. It’s such a double-edged sword, because you realize you’ve been put on this pedestal, and you have to make sure that you don’t do anything to get torn down. – Anjelah Johnson
Fabrizio Moreira Trump is more conservative on individual rights, domestic issues, economic issues and defense. On the other hand, Clinton is quite liberal and wishes to open the borders for more trades and more immigrants. – Fabrizio Moreira
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