Pratik Gandhi Ultimately, at the end of the day, we are humans and I am here in the entertainment industry for experiments, to create new characters and to tell stories, that’s it. I don’t think much about success. It will keep changing with every project. – Pratik Gandhi Changing Quotes Characters Quotes Create Quotes Day Quotes Entertainment Quotes Experiments Quotes Humans Quotes Industry Quotes Project Quotes Stories Quotes Success Quotes Ultimately Quotes What can’t change is the zeal and passion I have for work. Where I come from, the family, upbringing, whatever I have seen in life, I know for sure that nothing is permanent.
Billy Porter For years I tried to put myself in a box, and it frustrated me, so I had to let go and let the universe take its course. – Billy Porter
Dominique Jackson I’m so proud to be able to share my story with others who might be going through a similar process with their identity. – Dominique Jackson
Michael SheenRelationship You know, we’re each the hero of our own story and we perceive what’s going on around us, and especially in a relationship, from the kind of viewpoint of, ‘Well, this is my story, and I’m the hero of that, and I justify what I do around it.’ – Michael Sheen
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