Preston Sturges If war is the solution, why didn’t Roosevelt declare war on poverty? – Preston Sturges Declare Quotes Poverty Quotes Roosevelt Quotes Solution Quotes War Quotes I compared pooh-poohers of the movies to the myopics who used to holler, ‘Get a horse!’ when an early automobile exploded by. The United States owes a great debt to its inventors. Far from being grateful to them, it places every obstruction in their way and makes it enormously difficult to secure a patent.
Ernesto Teodoro MonetaPeace I am a member of the Peace Society because I was a soldier: because I have fought and seen what war is like from personal experience. It was on the battlefield that I pledged myself to the cause of peace. – Ernesto Teodoro Moneta
Al Pacino The problem with me is, I guess, the way I express myself, you have to be with me 50 years before you can get a sense of what I’m talking about. – Al Pacino
Kelly Reilly I love strong women in films that are allowed to play women and not male fantasies. – Kelly Reilly
Jodi Picoult Researching ‘Lone Wolf,’ I was amazed at how thoughtful and intelligent these animals are. There has never been a documented attack against a human by a wolf that wasn’t provoked by the human. – Jodi Picoult
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