Priyamani I’m not willing to do heroine-centric films back-to-back. – Priyamani Backtoback Quotes Films Quotes Heroinecentric Quotes Somewhere down the line, I want to do masala films too. Chandi’ was received well and my performance was particularly appreciated.
Alex Zanardi We all have expectations but sometimes the greatest thing is to be surprised with what happens and to find out that it is quite different from the way you imagined it. – Alex Zanardi
Joy Mathew It was during a drive together that I first conceived the story of a teenage girl and a friend of her father’s. That was how we decided to make ‘Uncle.’ – Joy Mathew
Rene Ricard I want my soldiers – I mean artists – to be young and strong, with tireless energy performing impossible feats of cunning and bravura. – Rene Ricard
Patrick Vieira I think what African football needs is better organization, better structure, and I think, after that, we’ll help the players to be more professional when they’re coming to play for their national team. – Patrick Vieira
Pierre Loti It is said that many children who live in the central provinces, away from the ocean, have a great longing to see it. I who had never been away from the monotonous country surrounding us looked forward eagerly to seeing the mountains. – Pierre Loti
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