Prosenjit Chatterjee In my Bengali films, I am involved with all the promotional activities, release date posters etc. – Prosenjit Chatterjee Activities Quotes Bengali Quotes Films Quotes Involved Quotes Posters Quotes Promotional Quotes Release Quotes I love to prepare for my roles. I was never serious about Bollywood films, but when I was offered a film like ‘Shanghai,’ I took it because it is a good film.
Rob James-Collier There’s definitely a wave of Brits doing great work on American television, and I wouldn’t mind being one of them! – Rob James-Collier
Jeff Lemire Bloodshot,’ for me, was unlike anything I’d ever done before, which was really the draw of it. In addition to trying to reconnect with my earlier work, I also wanted to try to do something that was completely new and different. – Jeff Lemire
James William Middleton It’s always been, whether at school or now, that I am Pippa and Catherine’s little brother. – James William Middleton
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