Priti Patel Since the start of the Thatcher economic and fiscal reforms the U.K. economy has expanded five-fold. – Priti Patel Economic Quotes Economy Quotes Expanded Quotes Fiscal Quotes Fivefold Quotes Reforms Quotes Start Quotes Thatcher Quotes We have legislated to protect the public from tax rises and guarantee incomes for pensioners, so enshrining in law more protections for consumers, commuters and investors is possible. Enshrining these rights into law would mean that any future government which wanted to reverse this would have to go through the primary legislative process. We must stand firm against the Left’s nationalisation obsession.
Jalal Talabani Our gratitude to the American people is immense and we should never be embarrassed to express it. – Jalal Talabani
Sam Shepard I think a part of the reason that those early plays were short was that I just kept having these ideas, and I’d just go off and write them. I wasn’t trying to write one-act plays – it’s just how the ideas would be expressed. Every condition I was in seemed like it could be a play. – Sam Shepard
GovernmentWalter Bagehot The best reason why Monarchy is a strong government is, that it is an intelligible government. The mass of mankind understand it, and they hardly anywhere in the world understand any other. – Walter Bagehot
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