Ranbir Kapoor As an actor, we always want people to write about us and talk about us. And when they are actually writing, then we say, ‘Don’t write about this.’ I am an actor; I am a public property. I don’t own myself; public owns me. – Ranbir Kapoor Actor Quotes Owns Quotes People Quotes Property Quotes Public Quotes Talk Quotes Write Quotes Writing Quotes I think, for a love story, the most important element is the music, since you don’t have action sequences or item numbers. It really draws in the audience and adds to at least 70 percent of the opening of the movie. Personally, love is very important for me. There are lots of ordinary things in life, so love should be extraordinary. I hope I achieve that.
Taavet Hinrikus Large incumbents become big and sometimes become lazy and set themselves up for failure in the future. – Taavet Hinrikus
Amanda Harlech Contemporary culture is like the weather – we have to be open to it. I don’t like the way it is dismissed or closed down. – Amanda Harlech
Giorgio Armani I must make decisions every five minutes and give the impression of being sure of myself! Sincerely, this is the cause of my verbal violence. – Giorgio Armani
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