Ravi Subramanian My understanding is that a book becomes a best seller only when it is pirated, sold on footpaths and at traffic lights. – Ravi Subramanian Book Quotes Footpaths Quotes Lights Quotes Pirated Quotes Seller Quotes Sold Quotes Traffic Quotes Understanding Quotes Bitcoin is complex: the entire private and public key issue, the transfers, the mining of bitcoins… but if you tell it as fiction, people would understand and remember. My favourite authors are Jeffrey Archer, for his story telling skills; John Grisham, for the completely new genre he created; and James Patterson, for the way he created a new business model out of writing.
Cher I really don’t think of myself as a singer. I think of myself as an entertainer, and the best place I do it is onstage. – Cher
K L Rahul I have always enjoyed keeping wickets, as it is something that comes very naturally to me. – K L Rahul
James Jebbia I still feel like we’re a skate brand – it doesn’t mean we can’t present our stuff well. It doesn’t mean that when you come in, everything has to be messy. – James Jebbia
Michael Ball We’ve all sort of been there: It’s coming on Christmas, all that preparation is going on, and you just want to escape. You don’t want to buy into it. It’s a time of year that brings up a lot of memories for people, and if you’re missing somebody, it’s hardest at this time of year. – Michael Ball
Louis B Rosenberg Swarms are one very simple way of keeping ourselves ahead of the machines. – Louis B Rosenberg
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