Rei Kawakubo Fashion alone is so far from being the whole story. It seems that with fashion, as with art, things are getting easier in one sense, but at the same time, it is getting harder to be stimulated about things or excite people. – Rei Kawakubo Art Quotes Easier Quotes Excite Quotes Fashion Quotes Harder Quotes People Quotes Sense Quotes Stimulated Quotes Story Quotes Time Quotes I’m always looking to make something that didn’t exist before, fumbling about in the dark, not just while making a collection. The search for something new is a constant in my everyday life. But constantly searching for something new is like looking for a well in a desert. I want to create a market where people from all walks of life can encounter each other in an atmosphere of beautiful chaos, the coming together of kindred souls.
Jack Keane In 2005 in Iraq, the constitution was written. A new government was elected. That government was trying to take office in 2006. – Jack Keane
Nick Harkaway If you ask who I aspire to, well, if a single line of mine was as funny as P. G. Wodehouse can be, that would be great. – Nick Harkaway
Brooke Elliott I want to do voiceover for animation, so I am looking to do something along those lines. So, my agent is looking for something in that area, and I think that would be a lot of fun. – Brooke Elliott
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