Richa Chadha The notion people have about me is that I am always angry and irritated. Also, I report late to work and I am not serious about my job. But if all these things were true about me, people wouldn’t be working with me. – Richa Chadha Angry Quotes Irritated Quotes Job Quotes Late Quotes Notion Quotes People Quotes Report Quotes TRUE Quotes I have always believed that more stories of women in leadership roles need to be told and I am glad I could be a part of one such story. People think I am not funny. I am very intense.
Mikey Garcia I’m never out of shape, never out to hurt my body by drinking or partying. – Mikey Garcia
Simon Singh When I was finishing my PhD, I could just see people who were a bit quicker and brighter and smarter than me and I thought, ‘well they are the people who are going to make the great discoveries.’ – Simon Singh
FunnyGina Bellman I’ve never worked in my natural accent, having studied so hard to get rid of it when I moved to England as a child where I was bullied at school for ‘talking funny.’ – Gina Bellman
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