Rick Ross I’ve been a fan of Adele since her first project. – Rick Ross Adele Quotes Fan Quotes Project Quotes When I make music and I’m talking on records, it’s like I’m painting a picture. In my mind, I’m seeing a film. I’m a big chicken guy, and Wingstop chicken wings are my number one go-to, so I just got involved with the company. I purchased a few franchises myself. I like to consider myself a global brand ambassador.
Mike Coffman What is interesting in Washington, D.C., is I’ve never missed a vote. The veterans’ committee keeps track of hearings, and I’ve never missed a hearing or a vote on the VA committee. – Mike Coffman
John Edgar Wideman For African-American people, I am in the business of inventing a reality that gives a different perspective – on history, on crime, on art, on love. – John Edgar Wideman
Kenneth Lonergan I’ve just always been interested in alter-naturalism and seeing if you can make real life interesting enough to be dramatic without enhancing it. Like, could you make a movie or write a play in which there’s no compression of time, there’s no enhanced event, it’s just real life? – Kenneth Lonergan
Campbell Brown Whenever someone says to me, ‘Are you for or against Common Core,’ the first question I ask is, ‘What do you think Common Core is?’ You will get a different answer from every single person. You will literally get a different answer. – Campbell Brown
Robyn When you’re listening to club music, there’s no reward. The reward isn’t, ‘Oh, here’s the chorus, here’s the lyric that makes sense.’ You have to enjoy what it is. You have to enjoy that there’s no conclusion. – Robyn
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