Rihanna I don’t do things for the response or for the controversy. I just live my life. – Rihanna Controversy Quotes Life Quotes Live Quotes Response Quotes I am happy and I’m single. You have to just accept your body. You may not love it all the way, but you just have to be comfortable with it, comfortable with knowing that that’s your body.
Lee Marvin In school, I couldn’t see any sense to reading, writing, and arithmetic. Sure, they kicked me out, but for trifles, like continual daydreaming and smoking, that wouldn’t be grounds for expulsion nowadays. – Lee Marvin
Aaron Taylor-Johnson I get more fulfilment from being a father than I do from being an actor. – Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Scott Storch You can’t be ‘on’ everyday, no one is a hit machine all the time. But if you’re loving the music it will happen. It shouldn’t be laborious. – Scott Storch
Jesse Lee Soffer Playing a cop on TV and working closely with actual cops on set, I do think the media does a disservice to our first responders. – Jesse Lee Soffer
Gerard Arpey Just to cover the increase in fuel costs over the past two years, American would have had to raise fares nearly $75 per round-trip ticket. During this time period, our average fare increased by only $15. – Gerard Arpey
Carlos Beruff I brought attention to the fact that people need to be more involved in politics and not just let the establishment continue to control politics. – Carlos Beruff
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