Rob Bell For many, ‘desire’ is a bad word, something we’re supposed to ‘give up for God.’ That kind of thinking can be really destructive because it teaches people to deny their hearts, their true selves. – Rob Bell Bad Quotes Deny Quotes Desire Quotes Destructive Quotes God Quotes Hearts Quotes People Quotes Supposed Quotes Teaches Quotes Thinking Quotes TRUE Quotes Word Quotes The historical orthodox Christian faith is extremely wide and diverse. A lot of Christians have been taught a story that begins in chapter 3 of Genesis, instead of chapter 1. If your story doesn’t begin in the beginning, but begins in chapter 3, then it starts with sin, and so the story becomes about dealing with the sin problem. So Jesus is seen as primarily dealing with our sins.
Patrick Corbin When I went to my first practice, I really didn’t know what to wear. The coach came up and introduced himself and said, ‘What position do you want to play?’ I said, ‘I can pitch. I’ll try pitching.’ It kind of went from there. – Patrick Corbin
Daniel Levitin Information overload refers to the notion that we’re trying to take in more than the brain can handle. – Daniel Levitin
Kathy Bates I’m not that conservative. I do feel – I guess I’m more of a Democrat at heart, although I’ve never affiliated myself with a particular party. – Kathy Bates
Sue Bird At some high schools, you’re the star player, and everything revolves around you. – Sue Bird
Cynthia Kenyon Carbohydrates, and especially refined ones like sugar, make you produce lots of extra insulin. I’ve been keeping my intake really low ever since I discovered this. I’ve cut out all starch such as potatoes, noodles, rice, bread and pasta. – Cynthia Kenyon
Protagoras The Athenians are right to accept advice from anyone, since it is incumbent on everyone to share in that sort of excellence, or else there can be no city at all. – Protagoras
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