Rob Bell Over the years, I’ve realized that I have as much in common with the performance artist, the standup comedian, the screenwriter, as I do with the theologian. I’m in an odd world where I make things and share them with people. – Rob Bell Artist Quotes Comedian Quotes Common Quotes Odd Quotes People Quotes Performance Quotes Realized Quotes Screenwriter Quotes Share Quotes Standup Quotes Theologian Quotes I’m interested in painting the most beautifully compelling pictures and images and metaphors and stories and explanations possible that will put Jesus in language for a world that desperately needs to hear it. I embrace the term ‘evangelical,’ if by that we mean a belief that we together can actually work for change in the world, caring for the environment, extending to the poor generosity and kindness, a hopeful outlook. That’s a beautiful sort of thing.
John Gourley Poor Ron Paul. He means well. He really does. But there’s something about him. I don’t know what it is. From falling victim to Sacha Baron Cohen’s Bruno to that old-man shuffle, he just seems like kind of a… like kind of a sissy. – John Gourley
Brian Stelfreeze Most established comic writers have a fixed style or methodology, so what you get on page one of the first issue is about the same for the last page of the series. – Brian Stelfreeze
ChanceLando Norris In testing, you make a mistake, you just say ‘OK we’ll have another go’ instead of it being the only chance you get. – Lando Norris
BeautyJoshua BellMusicNature We live in a very chaotic world that sometimes we – it just seems like a mess. One of the reasons why we listen to music, and to great classical music in particular, is that everything is in an order and in a place and has a beauty that you see in nature, that you see and that people look for when they look for God. – Joshua Bell
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