Robert Bigelow NASA is not that sophisticated, they’re not that organized, they’re not that focused. – Robert Bigelow Focused Quotes Nasa Quotes Organized Quotes Sophisticated Quotes A tourist industry in space is a natural outgrowth of such a bizarre city as Las Vegas. NASA is an organization without a vision, and because they don’t have any vision, they don’t have missions that make much sense.
Jane McDonald I loved being at sea: the sights, the sounds, the food, the sunshine, the people, and the work. – Jane McDonald
Dee Rees People have almost been lulled into complacency because there are no signs over the water fountains. But the signs have been in the policies. There’s still housing discrimination and wage discrimination. – Dee Rees
CommunicationPowerYehuda Berg Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. – Yehuda Berg
Paul Hawken Class of 2009: you are going to have to figure out what it means to be a human being on Earth at a time when every living system is declining, and the rate of decline is accelerating. Kind of a mind-boggling situation… but not one peer-reviewed paper published in the last thirty years can refute that statement. – Paul Hawken
Poo Bear I don’t know about the rest of the world, but America loves redemption. They love giving people second chances. – Poo Bear
Rebecca Stead I grew up mostly an only child. My dad remarried when I was a teenager. And then I had two stepbrothers. And then my dad had a second child. So I have a brother from the time I was 15. But I really grew up feeling like an only child. – Rebecca Stead
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