Robert Zubrin In the 1940s, the petroleum business was an American game, and it was enormously to our advantage that the world ran on oil. – Robert Zubrin Advantage Quotes American Quotes Business Quotes Enormously Quotes Game Quotes Oil Quotes Petroleum Quotes We need to improve our horrible position within the petroleum game by eliminating the EPA and other crippling bureaucracies that have turned the U.S. from the game’s biggest winners into its worst losers. As I explain at some length in my book ‘Energy Victory,’ during World War II, the American strength in oil production was a decisive advantage for the Allies. Airplanes, ships, and tanks all ran on oil, and we controlled the supply.
BestGary HamelTrust Trust is not simply a matter of truthfulness, or even constancy. It is also a matter of amity and goodwill. We trust those who have our best interests at heart, and mistrust those who seem deaf to our concerns. – Gary Hamel
Adam Hicks I’ve been writing music since 4th grade, and I love putting words together and expressing things in a way that you can move your head to and you can really relate to, because I have a lot to say. – Adam Hicks
Jared Harris I keep mementos from everything I’ve done. I’ve got my cab driver’s license from ‘Happiness.’ I’ve got a pair of glasses and a belt buckle from playing John Lennon. I’ve got a pair of sunglasses from playing Andy Warhol… It’s all in a box in the garage. – Jared Harris
JrRobert Downey I’ve always just shown up and tried to figure out what’s for lunch and am I going to get to play some racquetball that night. – Robert Downey, Jr
Jaggi Vasudev Our life is a combination of a certain amount of energy and a certain amount of time. – Jaggi Vasudev
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