Ronan Farrow I spent a long time reporting on trans issues, and I know in the course of that reporting I saw how deeply adversity runs. – Ronan Farrow Adversity Quotes Deeply Quotes Issues Quotes Reporting Quotes Runs Quotes Spent Quotes Time Quotes Trans Quotes The United States is undergoing a transformation in how it relates to the rest of the world. We are becoming a nation that has no more negotiators and peacemakers, that shoots first and asks questions later. Harvey Weinstein reveals how the most powerful men in this country have tendrils in to every kind of institution.
Evelyn Ashford When I’m running fast, I don’t feel anything, it’s effortless, it’s like my feet don’t even touch the ground, it’s like I’m flying. – Evelyn Ashford
Jeff Cooper Safety is something that happens between your ears, not something you hold in your hands. – Jeff Cooper
Jeff Carlson For me, writing post-apocalyptic novels isn’t so much about exploding helicopters and fifty-megaton doomsday bombs as it is about the pleasure of dealing with the best of everything that makes us human: cleverness, grit, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. – Jeff Carlson
Skeet Ulrich What’s the classical moment that every actor or actress deals with? A tragic thing. They get that blank, faraway look in their eyes. But in life, it’s not that way. – Skeet Ulrich
KnowledgeR Buckminster Fuller Parents are usually more careful to bestow knowledge on their children rather than virtue, the art of speaking well rather than doing well; but their manners should be of the greatest concern. – R Buckminster Fuller
Rosemary Mahoney I think most memoirs, though they purport to be about this particular time or this person you met, are really about the effect that person or time had on you. – Rosemary Mahoney
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