Rosie Perez I was a ward of the state, initially, and then in the foster care system for quite some time, even though I did live part-time with my aunt in Brooklyn. – Rosie Perez Aunt Quotes Brooklyn Quotes Care Quotes Foster Quotes Initially Quotes Live Quotes Parttime Quotes Time Quotes Ward Quotes People make me out to be this super strong woman, but I have my tough days just like anyone else. It’s sad that arts are not part of the curriculum across the nation.
Kylie Jenner I can’t have brown hair for some reason. I don’t think it goes with my skin tone. The second I see it turn brown in the sun, I dye it black – the blacker the better. – Kylie Jenner
Mae Martin I’ve been doing comedy for 20 years now. I started when I was 13 and I think for the first 10 years I was impersonating other people. – Mae Martin
Christine Pelosi Man up’ is a sexist term that should be retired along with all the other gender-based imperious imperatives. – Christine Pelosi
Henry Paulson As Americans, we shouldn’t like bailouts. Where I come from, if someone takes a risk and they’re going to make the profit from that risk, they shouldn’t have the taxpayer pay for the losses. – Henry Paulson
Alex Kapranos Of course, there’s a certain type of person who feels that anything which becomes mainstream has to be rejected immediately. And that’s part of the indie-alternative snobbery and hierarchy and elitism. – Alex Kapranos
Aaron Donald That’s what you dream about. How you not going to think about making the big play, the game-changing play? – Aaron Donald
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