Russel Honore You cannot depend on a sandbag dike to save your life. You put it up to try to save your property. – Russel Honore Depend Quotes Dike Quotes Life Quotes Property Quotes Sandbag Quotes Save Quotes Who is affected more when it’s cold? Poor people. Who is affected more when it’s hot? Poor people. Who is affected more when it’s wet? Poor people. Who is most affected when the economy is bad? Poor people. Poor people are the most fragile. If I’m a leader, I have a mission.
Jim Harbaugh People talk about cold weather and it’d be tough to catch balls. But the greatest catcher of all time, Michael Crabtree, catches everything. It’s unbelievable. In the northern snowlands, down to the tropics’ sunny scenes, he’s catching the football. Where they throw a football, he’ll be catching it. – Jim Harbaugh
Michael Learned I’m grateful that I have a theater career because television isn’t kind to you when you’re over forty. – Michael Learned
Edgar Ramirez Panama is a country that’s been dealing with issues of identity since its very birth. It was born on Wall Street. It was born out of engineering construction. It was the canal. Because of the canal, the country was born, so the country has been divided into pro-canal and against-canal people for so long. – Edgar Ramirez
Steve Hockensmith Without Leonard Nimoy, there would have been no ‘Star Trek’ phenomenon. And without ‘Star Trek’… well, that’s a parallel universe most of us probably wouldn’t want to visit. – Steve Hockensmith
Greg Rucka Your ability to name every single variation of Kryptonite and every first issue in which it appears is a great pop quiz skill, but is not a great writing skill, all right? So just because you can do that doesn’t mean you know how to write. – Greg Rucka
ChanceMark Harmon I like this job – most days I have a chance to make breakfast and take the kids to school or to read ’em a bedtime story. It’s almost like a normal life. – Mark Harmon
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