Rumaan Alam There is a tendency to presume autobiography in fiction by women or minorities. Guys named Jonathan write universal stories, while there’s this sense that everyone else is just fictionalizing their own small experiences. – Rumaan Alam Autobiography Quotes Experiences Quotes Fiction Quotes Fictionalizing Quotes Guys Quotes Jonathan Quotes Minorities Quotes Named Quotes Presume Quotes Sense Quotes Stories Quotes Tendency Quotes Universal Quotes Women Quotes Write Quotes Obama-as-dad is my favorite Obama. Obama-as-executive, with his stubborn faith in reasonableness in times absent of reason, presided over the country during its descent into madness. I find it a comfort that Obama-as-dad presided over a family that leaves the White House healthy and happy. Does a bona fide chimichurri have cilantro in it? Who cares? Cooking for your family, unless your family includes Joel Rubouchon, is liberating in that regard.
Kadeena Cox I’ll stay on my bike until I’ve burnt a certain amount of calories or made sure I’m in negative calories for the end of the day. – Kadeena Cox
Emanuel Ax It is wonderful to see how happy all my friends in the LA Philharmonic are in their new home. – Emanuel Ax
Colin Firth If you don’t mind haunting the margins, I think there is more freedom there. – Colin Firth
Jeremih I feel like music is just a platform and foundation just to be able to explore and see what’s outside of it. – Jeremih
Howard Baker Any time the United States government turns over an American citizen, including military personnel, to the government of another country, it is in our nature to want to make sure that they receive the best treatment, the fairest treatment, and the most humane treatment. – Howard Baker
Greg Mottola I worked for seven years doing computer graphics to pay my way through graduate school – I have no romance with computer work. There’s no amount of phony graphics and things making sound effects on the screen that can change that. – Greg Mottola
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