Salim Akil You change the landscape in Hollywood with action, not words. – Salim Akil Action Quotes Change Quotes Hollywood Quotes Landscape Quotes It doesn’t make sense to constantly talk about the lack of diversity in Hollywood. We all know it’s there. My wife and I just want to change that conversation with our work. When you’re given a certain amount of power – like, you’re a writer and an employed writer, and you put pen to paper, and people are going to read what you write – that’s power.
Madhura Naik Indian men need to break the typical mentality. I’ve lived abroad and now that I’m here, I see a huge difference. – Madhura Naik
Carmen MirandaMoney I say 20 words in English. I say money, money, money, and I say hot dog! I say yes, no and I say money, money, money and I say turkey sandwich and I say grape juice. – Carmen Miranda
Princess Michael of Kent I have been together with my husband for 33 years. Romance can still be there if you don’t see each other brushing your teeth. There’s something very nasty about brushing your teeth and then all that flossing. – Princess Michael of Kent
Mike Barnicle Politicians in Washington work in a small, sheltered world where they lurch from crisis to crisis that they create, nurture and use as ideological triggers in their selfish pursuit of re-election. – Mike Barnicle
Paul Wellstone The American polity is infected with a serious imbalance of power between elites and masses, a power which is the principal threat to our democracy. – Paul Wellstone
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