Samantha Bond Downton’ is one of the best jobs in the world, and I’m looking forward to the next series for Maggie Smith’s wicked sense of humour. – Samantha Bond Downton Quotes Humour Quotes Jobs Quotes Maggie Quotes Sense Quotes Series Quotes Smiths Quotes Wicked Quotes It’s always been a dream of mine to be Ginger Rogers or Cyd Charisse, and here I am performing alongside Robert Lindsay and being directed by a major Broadway producer. Who said dreams don’t come true? I lost a girlfriend when I was in my 30s. She was 46. It all sounds so trite, but I put a Post-it on my dressing-room wall. It said, ‘The past is history. The future is a mystery. This moment is a gift, which is why it’s called the present.’
Bernard Sumner It’s impossible to capture every single facet of someone’s personality in a film. – Bernard Sumner
Mark Ruffalo My personal belief is that you carry your own water in a relationship. If you see a girl and you think she’s hot, that’s a very human reaction, but you don’t go and tell your spouse that, you know? So in one way it’s how you behave. – Mark Ruffalo
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