Samm Levine I was 11 or 12 years old when I first saw ‘Reservoir Dogs.’ I remember after I saw that film, I kept renting it from the video store because I wanted all of my friends to see it. – Samm Levine Dogs Quotes Film Quotes Friends Quotes Remember Quotes Renting Quotes Reservoir Quotes Store Quotes Video Quotes I did stand-up for a good number of years while I was still living in New York, and those people primarily knew me as ‘the kid stand-up.’ I really enjoy doing films, but I also love television. I certainly would not be against doing some regular television work and being on a show that runs several years.
Amy Sherald When people ask me about color in my work, I tend to say that it came from spending a lot of time in Panama. – Amy Sherald
Cheryl James But one thing that’s constant is we’ve always appreciated fans. They put us on the map and they keep us on the map. I always put myself in their position. If I loved someone and had their posters all over my wall and met them and they were rude it would be very hurtful. – Cheryl James
Sandra Lerner If you look at any of the big companies, whether it is IBM or L’Oreal, they have a corporate religion and corporate self-image that makes it very difficult for them to execute in different areas. – Sandra Lerner
Ellen Key The condition of all development is not to be content with the present, but to have the courage to ask how everything can be made better and the good fortune to find a right answer to this question in thought or in action. – Ellen Key
Eleanor Tomlinson I remember when I was younger. Dad’s agent came round, and I asked if she would represent me. She didn’t represent children at the time, but I wouldn’t let her leave the house until she agreed. I’ve always been quite headstrong. – Eleanor Tomlinson
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