Sarah Koenig People just like a good crime story; they want to know who did it. – Sarah Koenig Crime Quotes People Quotes Story Quotes If he could go back, choose another career, my father would have liked to have been an environmentalist of some kind, which is why he’d really like to be remembered for something almost nobody knows he did: naming Earth Day. It agitated him to look up Earth Day on Wikipedia recently and not see his name anywhere. So a few days ago, I added it.
Art Alexakis I think The Police made five great records and then called it a day. They went out on top. – Art Alexakis
Lars von Trier I would say that I am a poor Christian; I’m not a believer. It was this idea very early in my life that life on Earth, nature or man could not be a creation of a merciful God. – Lars von Trier
Leonard Nimoy For me it’s all about personal vision; is there something about a subject that uniquely speaks to me. – Leonard Nimoy
Adam Goodes I was very lucky to have fantastic leaders before me in Paul Kelly, Leo Barry, Brett Kirk, Craig Bolton, Mick O’Loughlin and Stuart Maxfield, and all of those players led in completely different ways. – Adam Goodes
Sasha Spielberg I used to pretend like I was 27 years old and about to get married and unsure if this was the right guy for me when I was 12. – Sasha Spielberg
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