Shanice Williams My generation probably didn’t connect with ‘The Wiz’ the way that other generations did. – Shanice Williams Connect Quotes Generation Quotes Generations Quotes Wiz Quotes Everyone at a point in their life is struggling to find out who they are and where they belong. I was one of the ones in my generation who actually did connect with ‘The Wiz,’ even though it was not on Broadway or the movie wasn’t big anymore by the time I was of age to notice. But I was into it in middle school.
Roger Ebert By going to the movies, and because of other things, too, going to college, making a wide variety of friends, moving around traveling, I became a lot more open-minded than the heritage I was born into might have suggested. – Roger Ebert
Brad Meltzer When you believe in something, fight for it. And when you see injustice, fight harder than you’ve ever fought before. – Brad Meltzer
David James Managers should not be immune to the sack, they are spending the money of supporters and shareholders, if your manager is making fundamentally bad decisions, then the club has to be there to step in and take action. Leave it too long and you could end up relegated. It’s enough to make anyone jittery. – David James
Chris Pine I think the most dangerous word in the English language is ‘should.’ ‘I should have done this.’ Or ‘I should do that.’ ‘Should’ implies responsibility. It connotes demand. Which is just not the case. Life ebbs and flows. – Chris Pine
Ruud Gullit If there is a problem, and you don’t say anything about it, it’s like a cancer and it becomes bigger. – Ruud Gullit
Ramez Naam The accumulated knowledge of materials, computing, electromagnetism, product design, and all the rest that we’ve learned over the last several centuries converts a few ounces of raw materials worth mere pennies into a device with more computing power than the entire planet possessed fifty years ago. – Ramez Naam
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