Sharan Burrow If there are not jobs or adequate forms of social protection, there is not enough income to create the consumption base that drives demand and sustainable economic growth. – Sharan Burrow Adequate Quotes Base Quotes Consumption Quotes Create Quotes Demand Quotes Drives Quotes Economic Quotes Forms Quotes Growth Quotes Income Quotes Jobs Quotes Protection Quotes Social Quotes Sustainable Quotes Globalization can be shaped to ensure that people matter. When work is not underpinned by social protection, people risk falling into poverty traps.
Ara Parseghian In my own opinion, psychology in football is far more important than anyone believes, including the coaches. – Ara Parseghian
Monica Horan Our whole family has a similar sense of humor. We get over things by laughing at ourselves. – Monica Horan
Douglas Henshall The Catholic Church is wealthier than Coca-Cola, but takes from some of the poorest people in the world. – Douglas Henshall
Johnny Thunders I don’t eat cereal actually… Frosted Flakes… that’s as close as I can get. – Johnny Thunders
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