Sreenivasan At a programme in Kannur, I was asked who I wanted to be in my next birth. I said I don’t believe in rebirth but if we should imagine it, I wished to be born in a world without religion or politicians. – Sreenivasan Birth Quotes Born Quotes Imagine Quotes Kannur Quotes Politicians Quotes Programme Quotes Rebirth Quotes Religion Quotes Wished Quotes To love one’s country, the governance should be good. But politicians are addicts of power. It is because they don’t read that they have become so inhuman. Reading is what makes humans, humans.
Charlie Worsham I’m flattered anytime someone has taken enough time to listen to me and make a connection to someone else, honestly. I feel very lucky that a lot of my influences are the ones that people will tweet to me that I remind them of. – Charlie Worsham
FailureSteven Moffat The difference between a beautifully made failure and a beautifully made hit is who you’ve got playing the leads. – Steven Moffat
O T Fagbenle I think the two main tools actors have are the imagination of what other people have gone through, to connect with and through research, and there’s one’s own experience. – O T Fagbenle
John Smoltz A definition of a good broadcast is when 50 percent of the people think you’re rooting for one team and the other 50 percent of the people think you’re rooting for the other team. – John Smoltz
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeSympathy All sympathy not consistent with acknowledged virtue is but disguised selfishness. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Janis Karpinski There was a military police brigade with over 3,400 soldiers getting ready to go home because their mission – prisoner-of-war operations – was finished. – Janis Karpinski
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