Stacey Solomon I’m not perfect, I’m not brilliant at everything, I just try my best and I enjoy crafting. If I have something old or broken and I can use it for something else, I get a real joy out of it. – Stacey Solomon Brilliant Quotes Broken Quotes Crafting Quotes Enjoy Quotes Joy Quotes Perfect Quotes Real Quotes Having a task to focus solely on makes me forget about anything I’m worried or anxious about. I get so many lovely messages and so many people tag me in their own crafting and upcycling and I love it.
Adoniram Judson My views of the missionary object are, indeed, different from what they were when I was first set on fire by Buchanan’s ‘Star in the East’ six years ago. But it does not always happen that a closer acquaintance with an object diminishes our attachment and preference. – Adoniram Judson
Laurence Fishburne It’s a huge blessing to know you’ve done something that has affected people the way ‘The Matrix’ has. It’s like, there’s ‘Star Wars,’ and then there’s ‘The Matrix.’ It’s cool to be a part of that. – Laurence Fishburne
Jackie DeShannon I was lucky enough to first meet Elvis at his house in Bel Air and he used to invite different artists, singers and musicians, to come and jam with him at his house. – Jackie DeShannon
James Surowiecki By the time of the ’90s boom, CEOs had become superheroes, accorded celebrity treatment and followed with a kind of slavish scrutiny that Alfred P. Sloan could never have imagined. – James Surowiecki
Parker Stevenson I was the last one to screen test for The Hardy Boys. I’d like to play that’s not as clean-cut as Frank Hardy. I play him as straight as possible. – Parker Stevenson
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