Stephanie Labbe Mental illness is just like any other injury – you just don’t see it but it’s the same in the sense that things don’t just heal overnight, or with the snap of a finger. – Stephanie Labbe Finger Quotes Heal Quotes Illness Quotes Injury Quotes Mental Quotes Overnight Quotes Sense Quotes Snap Quotes It’s human nature – we want to be chosen, we want to be picked and when there’s this thing that isn’t choosing you, that can affect your self-confidence and your self-worth. I’ve done a lot of work on that so that no matter where I am in a team, whatever role I’m playing, it doesn’t affect how I think about myself.
Clifford Geertz I think what’s known about neurology is still scattered and uncertain. – Clifford Geertz
Eric Ries Science and vision are not opposites or even at odds. They need each other. I sometimes hear other startup folks say something along the lines of: ‘If entrepreneurship was a science, then anyone could do it.’ I’d like to point out that even science is a science, and still very few people can do it, let alone do it well. – Eric Ries
Giannis Antetokounmpo There’s a lot of big guys who can play-make. We put labels like, ‘Oh, he’s a point guard, he’s a center.’ But sometimes your center can play-make for you and not just be the center, boxing out for rebounds and playing in the post. – Giannis Antetokounmpo
DietVijender Singh I have a carbohydrate and protein-rich diet. For breakfast, I typically have two slices of bread with butter or jam, four to five eggs – boiled or fried – a few bananas and a glass of milk. – Vijender Singh
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