Steve Chen If you have a food blog and want to connect with a bigger audience, Nom is for you. – Steve Chen Audience Quotes Bigger Quotes Blog Quotes Connect Quotes Food Quotes Nom Quotes If a restaurant kitchen is your office, Nom is for you. If you’ve ever snapped a picture of your dinner, Nom is for you.
Jeff Dean Some things are easier to parrellelize than others. It’s pretty easy to train up 100 models and pick the best one. If you want to train one big model but do it on hundreds of machines, that’s a lot harder to parallelize. – Jeff Dean
Jonathan Krisel My whole thing is, you listen to the actor and help them bring out their best thing. – Jonathan Krisel
Neale Donald Walsch I think that things happen individually first, and then collectively. It’s not the other way around. – Neale Donald Walsch
AttitudeEducationExperienceHerb Kelleher We will hire someone with less experience, less education, and less expertise than someone who has more of those things and has a rotten attitude. Because we can train people. We can teach people how to lead. We can teach people how to provide customer service. But we can’t change their DNA. – Herb Kelleher
Mike Rogers Our military is doing everything it can to equip Iraq’s forces so our troops can come home as soon as possible, but we cannot leave until the job is done. – Mike Rogers
Naomi Klein The problem with Donald Trump is that he went and designed a brand that is entirely amoral. – Naomi Klein
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