Susan Brooks Remarkably, there are leaders in Washington who don’t understand why it’s so important for us to have a budget. – Susan Brooks Budget Quotes Leaders Quotes Remarkably Quotes Understand Quotes Washington Quotes A budget matters to Americans who can’t afford to see their taxes go up or lose the jobs that would be destroyed in the process. I have never chosen my next job. I focus on what’s in front of me, and serendipity steps in.
Jeffrey Kluger When our culture shifts, it tends to overcorrect, throwing out everything associated with an era we’ve moved past, rather than saving what was good and combining it with what is new. – Jeffrey Kluger
John Wooden Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability. – John Wooden
Jacqueline Woodson Greenville, S.C., in the 1970s is a rolling green dream in my memory now. – Jacqueline Woodson
Elizabeth Moon Now my mother, interestingly enough, was not a feminist in her own mind. – Elizabeth Moon
John Frusciante I think a solo moves forward the way a song does, because it’s reflective of the chords that I’m considering as I’m soloing, and at the same time I’m going as much out on a limb as Frank Zappa used to, in terms of just going crazy on the instrument. – John Frusciante
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