Susan Orlean On the very same day that I ordered an iPad 2, I went shopping to buy myself a letter opener. I like to cover all my bases. – Susan Orlean Bases Quotes Cover Quotes Day Quotes Ipad Quotes Letter Quotes Opener Quotes Shopping Quotes I have no idea how to get in touch with anyone anymore. Everyone, it seems, has a home phone, a cell phone, a regular e-mail account, a Facebook account, a Twitter account, and a Web site. Some of them also have a Google Voice number. There are the sentimental few who still have fax machines. You could go crazy thinking of how unprivate our lives really are – the omnipresent security cameras, the tracking data on our very smart phones, the porous state of our Internet selves, the trail of electronic crumbs we leave every day.
Susan Isaacs It’s not all ‘Jane Eyre’ out there. In her sweet, honorable, slightly passive-aggressive way, Jane was as perfect as a protagonist can get while remaining interesting; in fact, she’s one of my favorites. But most characters are more morally ambiguous. – Susan Isaacs
Diego Godin I’ve got some wonderful memories of the 2011 Copa America. It was a very special tournament. – Diego Godin
Charles T Canady Some of my colleagues I have the most differences with in decisions are ones with whom I have a very friendly relationship. You have to be able to step back and look at the issues and your colleagues. – Charles T Canady
John James Audubon The Fur Company may be called the exterminating medium of these wild and almost uninhabitable regions, which cupidity or the love of money alone would induce man to venture into. Where can I now go and find nature undisturbed? – John James Audubon
Jay Carney Let me just say that while I personally am very fond of John Boehner, his record of predicting what would happen if certain policies, economic policies were instituted is abysmal, okay? – Jay Carney
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