Syd It was a nerve-wracking first few years having to tour and perform in front of people with the little bit of confidence I had. – Syd Bit Quotes Confidence Quotes Nervewracking Quotes People Quotes Perform Quotes Tour Quotes I’ve gotten used to not having all the responsibility on my shoulders. I learned everything I knew about recording and engineering from my experience with Odd Future, so I was pretty comfortable with not having much.
Janet Yellen A clear lesson of history is that a ‘sine qua non’ for sustained economic recovery following a financial crisis is a thoroughgoing repair of the financial system. – Janet Yellen
Adam Pally I don’t really know how to build a career or what to do. But I have the instinct to keep doing different things so people can see different things. – Adam Pally
Francis Parkman Not a breath of air stirred over the free and open prairie; the clouds were like light piles of cotton; and where the blue sky was visible, it wore a hazy and languid aspect. – Francis Parkman
Margot Lee Shetterly As a callow 18-year-old leaving for college, I’d seen my home town as a mere launching pad for a life in worldlier locales, a place to be from rather than a place to be. – Margot Lee Shetterly
Claudette Colvin There were many African Americans – many, many stories similar to my story. – Claudette Colvin
Mandy MooreRomantic I’ve had fun doing romantic comedies, but I just can’t anymore. There’s nothing fulfilling creatively, there’s nowhere to grow, nothing to learn from it or for yourself. I’d rather just be home with my family or write music until that special project comes my way. – Mandy Moore
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