Frank A ClarkParenting A baby is born with a need to be loved – and never outgrows it. – Frank A Clark Baby Quotes Born Quotes Loved Quotes Outgrows Quotes Parenting Quotes We must return optimism to our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles; the love, not the disappointments; the common sense, not the complexities. No, I’ve never wanted kids. But I do read about parenting a lot.
Nicholas Hoult By the time I was 14, I was about six foot. I remember going into auditions, and they’d look at how tall I was and say, ‘Well, you’re taller than the lead actor, so there’s no way we can cast you.’ – Nicholas Hoult
Gabriel Byrne It was either Voltaire or Charlie Sheen who said, ‘We are born alone. We live alone. We die alone. And anything in between that can give us the illusion that we’re not, we cling to.’ – Gabriel Byrne
Brandon Webb I didn’t grow up hunting whitetail, but I would stalk tuna and white sea bass and yellowtail. – Brandon Webb
EqualityJonathan Bailey We’ve come quite far with the idea of equality between sexes, but there’s still a lot of conversations that need to be had about men in power. – Jonathan Bailey
Azim Premji You must get engaged with people who are far less privileged than you. I think you must devote your time if not your resources… Because it is very, very important from the point of view of the development of our country. – Azim Premji
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