Saul Steinberg A beautiful woman can be painted as a totem only; not as a woman, but as a Madonna, a queen, a sphinx. – Saul Steinberg Beautiful Quotes Madonna Quotes Painted Quotes Queen Quotes Sphinx Quotes Totem Quotes Woman Quotes Questions are fiction, and answers are anything from more fiction to science-fiction. I am among the few who continue to draw after childhood is ended, continuing and perfecting childhood drawing – without the traditional interruption of academic training.
Sergio Marchionne It would be idiotic to position ourselves against Silicon Valley. – Sergio Marchionne
Lynda Resnick What is your Unique Selling Proposition? What makes you different than your competitors? Wrap your advertising message around that USP and communicate it in a clear and concise manner. – Lynda Resnick
Donald Miller I love writing books – I really do. If I could just quit everything and work on a book every day, I would love that most. – Donald Miller
AngerMimi Kennedy Since the time of Richard Nixon, there has been a strange lack of will in the media to identify the real cause for Americans’ anger at politicians who fall, publicly and spectacularly. – Mimi Kennedy
Roberto Di Matteo I had a very traumatic end to my career so I didn’t think I would become a manager then. As the years pass by the fire in you, the hunger, the desire for success comes back. – Roberto Di Matteo
Floyd MayweatherJr God only made one thing in this world that’s perfect – and that’s my boxing record. – Floyd Mayweather, Jr
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