Dilip Shanghvi A board of directors that cannot produce reliable audited financial statements for almost seven years simply should not remain in office. – Dilip Shanghvi Audited Quotes Board Quotes Directors Quotes Financial Quotes Office Quotes Produce Quotes Reliable Quotes Remain Quotes Simply Quotes Statements Quotes There is no sense in getting excited by market cap because it is a tool. After watching Taro reach the brink of bankruptcy, seeing their shares delisted from trading, hearing endless false promises about receiving audited financial statements, and witnessing an unchecked drain of company resources, the shareholders have clearly had enough.
Mike D'Antoni James Harden has been and is one of the top players in the league, and he’s been that way. He can defend, he’s strong, and offensively, he might be the best in the league. – Mike D’Antoni
Jill Soloway So many features at Sundance seemed to be powered more on the director’s need to be a director than any particular story. – Jill Soloway
Benji Madden Joel? He’s the rock star! When you see Joel step on stage… he’s born to be a rock star. – Benji Madden
Eliot Sumner I’m a bit of a geek when it comes to music. I like studio gear. I’m always looking it up on eBay and seeing what I can afford. – Eliot Sumner
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