Bernard Hopkins A body that doesn’t move mentally or physically dies. – Bernard Hopkins Body Quotes Dies Quotes Mentally Quotes Physically Quotes I avoid processed food. I have to be smarter than my opponents. I have to figure out their styles in the ring. I have to be three or four steps ahead of them. So my mind has to be sharp.
AloneAndrew Gower When you are playing somebody who did exist, and there is good source material on them, whether it is a biography or archives or experts, you would be stupid not to delve into them. But there is a point in the process where you leave the books alone, and instead, you focus on the script and creating your version. – Andrew Gower
Rebecca Hall My access point to the ’70s is films from that time, and they all have that paranoiac quality. – Rebecca Hall
Emily Dickinson I never had a mother. I suppose a mother is one to whom you hurry when you are troubled. – Emily Dickinson
Bill Forsyth At the moment, my mother is the only one left in Glasgow, although it’s certainly my home. – Bill Forsyth
Christopher Alexander The more living patterns there are in a place – a room, a building, or a town – the more it comes to life as an entirety, the more it glows, the more it has that self-maintaining fire which is the quality without a name. – Christopher Alexander
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